Even though littleitaly is not being updated it's still getting over 100 hits per month. Given that level of interest I've written a book based on the blog. Currently I'm trying to find a publisher. It isn't easy but keep your eyes open it might just appear in a book shop near you.
Currently I am also busy contributing to an English language learning site. You can check that out at http://www.englishlanguagedownloads.com/ Lots of free material available if you're interested in learning English. Lots of free materials and a monthly blog. If you're interested take a look. I hope you enjoy it and as always look forward to receiving your comments.
I'm pleased you like it but unfortunately I won't be posting it any longer. I hope you can take a look and enjoy the new sites though.
You know the meaning of the word blurb, right? It's that stuff they
write on the front covers of books. The one I'm currently reading says
An Addictive Read, another one says One of the best writers of his
generation. That's blurb. It's hard to say exactly what state the book
publishing industry must be in today but with blurb like that it can't
be good, can it? To be honest though the problem is not really the
book, is it? It's the recommendation that goes with it. As a concept
it sucks. When it comes down to it the only opinion you can really
trust in is your own. So what's the state of the modern novel? check
out more on this at http://littleitalyblogspot.blogspot.com
September 22, 2008, 1:47:10 PM EDT
nice blogging.yo!!!!!
Nice blog
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My name is Joe Pinzone and I'm casting an international travel show about expats moving abroad. We'd love to film in Italy and wanted to know if you could help us find expats who have moved there within the last 15 months or have been there for 3-4 years, but recently moved into a new home. The show documents their move to a new country and will place the country in fabulous light. The expats on the show would also receive monetary compensation if they are filmed. They must also speak English fluently and can be buyers or renters for their homes. If you'd like more information, please give me a call at 212-231-7716 or skype me at joefromnyc. You can also email me at joepinzone@leopardusa.com. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Joe Pinzone
Casting Producer
P: 212-231-7716
Skype: Joefromnyc
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