Friday 17 July 2009

Where do we go from here?

As with all things littleitalyblogspot's time has come and gone. Over the past fifteen months the blog has circulated the globe and been read by people in 51 different countries the last one being the Ukraine. A big thank you for that, your comments, your support and your continued interest.

Even though littleitaly is not being updated it's still getting over 100 hits per month. Given that level of interest I've written a book based on the blog. Currently I'm trying to find a publisher. It isn't easy but keep your eyes open it might just appear in a book shop near you.
Currently I am also busy contributing to an English language learning site. You can check that out at Lots of free material available if you're interested in learning English. Lots of free materials and a monthly blog. If you're interested take a look. I hope you enjoy it and as always look forward to receiving your comments.